Layer 4 load balancing

The following section details different methods that you can use to create a basic layer 4 loadbalancer for your instances.


While each of the examples below will have their own set of requirements, there are some things that you need to prepare no matter which method you are wanting to use. These include:

  • Sourcing an openrc file

  • Uploading or creating your own SSH key

  • Whitelisting your IP address so that you can interact with the cloud from your command line.

  • Installing the necessary tools for your chosen example. You can find instructions for this in the starting section of the documents.

Once these requirements are met, you can continue with any of the examples below:


This example illustrates how to load balance traffic on port 80 and 443 for two compute instances running a mock Python Flask web application.

If you already have two or more compute instances running a web application listening on ports 80 and 443, you can skip this step. Otherwise, launch two compute instances and follow the instructions below to run a simple Flask web application in each.

The Flask app binds to ports 80 and 443 respectively and will send a simple HTTP response when a request is received on the listening ports.

First we will have to create a copy of the script (shown below) on each server. The easiest way to do this, is to have a program like vim so you can copy paste the code into the new file you create on your instances.


You must also make sure that you have a security group that allows access to your instances from both the HTTP port (80) and the HTTPS port (443) otherwise the listeners and members (which are explained further on) won’t be able to access your instances, meaning you will not be able to test the results of the load-balancer.


import argparse
import socket
import sys

from flask import Flask

def check_arg(args=None):
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description='Simple Flask app to test load balancer service')
    parser.add_argument('-p', '--port',
                        help='port for the web server to bind to')
    parser.add_argument('-u', '--url',
                        help='url for the server to respond with')
    results = parser.parse_args(args)
    return (results.port, results.url)

host_name = socket.gethostname()
host_ip = socket.gethostbyname(host_name)

app = Flask(__name__)

def hello():
    if server_url is None:
        return "Server : {} @ {}".format(host_name, host_ip)
        return "Welcome to {} @ {}".format(server_url, host_ip)

def health():
    return "healthy!"

if __name__ == '__main__':
    server_port, server_url = check_arg(sys.argv[1:])'', port=server_port)

Once you have a copy of the file, ssh to your instances and follow the instructions below to install the required dependencies.


In order to be able to bind to ports 80 & 443 the application needs to run as the root user.

# sudo to the root account
$ sudo -i
# install the required system packages
$ apt install virtualenv python-pip

# create a virtual environment
$ virtualenv venv

# activate the virtual environment
$ source venv/bin/activate

# install Flask into the virtual environment
$ pip install flask

# exit the virtual environment
$ deactivate

In each compute instance, start two instances of the application (each in their own terminal session) ensuring that there is one listening on port 80 and the other on port 443.

# sudo to the root account
$ sudo -i

# activate the virtual environment
$ source venv/bin/activate

# run the flask app - providing the correct port numbers
$ python -p <port_number>

The output for the services running on port 80 will look similar to this:

root@server-1:~# python -p 80
 * Serving Flask app "flask_app" (lazy loading)
 * Environment: production
   WARNING: Do not use the development server in a production environment.
   Use a production WSGI server instead.
 * Debug mode: off
 * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit) - - [28/Jun/2018 06:09:43] "GET /health HTTP/1.0" 200 -

Create a load balancer

Now, we create the loadbalancer. It will be called lb_test_1 and it’s virtual IP address (VIP) will be attached to the local subnet private-subnet.


If you wish to run the tests included with this example, you will need to have root access on the test instances. If you do not have that level of access then substitute 8080 and 8443 wherever you see 80 and 443 respectively.

$ source
$ export SUBNET=`openstack subnet list --name private-subnet -f value -c ID`
$ openstack loadbalancer create --vip-subnet-id ${SUBNET} --name lb_test_1
| Field               | Value                                |
| admin_state_up      | True                                 |
| created_at          | 2017-11-02T21:32:52                  |
| description         |                                      |
| flavor              |                                      |
| id                  | 547deffe-55fc-49be-ac52-xxxxxxxxxxxx |
| listeners           |                                      |
| name                | lb_test_1                            |
| operating_status    | OFFLINE                              |
| pools               |                                      |
| project_id          | a3a9af91b9e547739xxxxxxcc2acded0     |
| provider            | octavia                              |
| provisioning_status | PENDING_CREATE                       |
| updated_at          | None                                 |
| vip_address         |                             |
| vip_network_id      | 6e743092-a06a-4234-9fce-xxxxxxxxxxxx |
| vip_port_id         | 693039f6-1896-4094-8f96-xxxxxxxxxxxx |
| vip_subnet_id       | 1c221166-3cb3-4534-915a-xxxxxxxxxxxx |

Create a listener

Once the operating_status of the load balancer is ACTIVE, we will create two listeners, both will use TCP as their protocol and they will listen on ports 80 and 443 respectively.

$ openstack loadbalancer list
| id                                   | name      | project_id                       | vip_address | provisioning_status | provider |
| 547deffe-55fc-49be-ac52-xxxxxxxxxxxx | lb_test_1 | a3a9af91b9e547739xxxxxxcc2acded0 |   | ACTIVE              | octavia  |
$ openstack loadbalancer listener create --name 80_listener --protocol TCP --protocol-port 80 lb_test_1
| Field                     | Value                                |
| admin_state_up            | True                                 |
| connection_limit          | -1                                   |
| created_at                | 2017-11-08T22:42:28                  |
| default_pool_id           | None                                 |
| default_tls_container_ref | None                                 |
| description               |                                      |
| id                        | de21c777-1c98-4061-aa86-xxxxxxxxxxxx |
| insert_headers            | None                                 |
| l7policies                |                                      |
| loadbalancers             | 547deffe-55fc-49be-ac52-xxxxxxxxxxxx |
| name                      | 80_listener                          |
| operating_status          | OFFLINE                              |
| project_id                | a3a9af91b9e547739xxxxxxcc2acded0     |
| protocol                  | TCP                                  |
| protocol_port             | 80                                   |
| provisioning_status       | PENDING_CREATE                       |
| sni_container_refs        | []                                   |
| updated_at                | None                                 |
$ openstack loadbalancer listener create --name 443_listener --protocol TCP --protocol-port 443 lb_test_1
| Field                     | Value                                |
| admin_state_up            | True                                 |
| connection_limit          | -1                                   |
| created_at                | 2018-06-25T01:13:06                  |
| default_pool_id           | None                                 |
| default_tls_container_ref | None                                 |
| description               |                                      |
| id                        | 724816cc-2dbd-42c8-9b61-xxxxxxxxxxxx |
| insert_headers            | None                                 |
| l7policies                |                                      |
| loadbalancers             | bfc1a299-3ec2-4681-974a-xxxxxxxxxxxx |
| name                      | 443_listener                         |
| operating_status          | OFFLINE                              |
| project_id                | eac679e489614xxxxxxce29d755fe289     |
| protocol                  | TCP                                  |
| protocol_port             | 443                                  |
| provisioning_status       | PENDING_CREATE                       |
| sni_container_refs        | []                                   |
| timeout_client_data       |                                      |
| timeout_member_connect    |                                      |
| timeout_member_data       |                                      |
| timeout_tcp_inspect       |                                      |
| updated_at                | None                                 |

To view the newly created listeners.

$ openstack loadbalancer listener list
| id                                   | default_pool_id | name         | project_id                       | protocol | protocol_port | admin_state_up |
| 380ea1df-e043-4167-90ca-xxxxxxxxxxxx | None            | 80_listener  | eac679e489614xxxxxxce29d755fe289 | TCP      |            80 | True           |
| 724816cc-2dbd-42c8-9b61-xxxxxxxxxxxx | None            | 443_listener | eac679e489614xxxxxxce29d755fe289 | TCP      |           443 | True           |

Create a pool

Then add a pool to each listener.

$ openstack loadbalancer pool create --name 80_pool --listener 80_listener --protocol TCP --lb-algorithm ROUND_ROBIN
| Field               | Value                                |
| admin_state_up      | True                                 |
| created_at          | 2018-06-25T01:30:17                  |
| description         |                                      |
| healthmonitor_id    |                                      |
| id                  | 96dde7c5-77c5-4ffe-9542-xxxxxxxxxxxx |
| lb_algorithm        | ROUND_ROBIN                          |
| listeners           | 380ea1df-e043-4167-90ca-xxxxxxxxxxxx |
| loadbalancers       | bfc1a299-3ec2-4681-974a-xxxxxxxxxxxx |
| members             |                                      |
| name                | 80_pool                              |
| operating_status    | OFFLINE                              |
| project_id          | eac679e489614xxxxxxce29d755fe289     |
| protocol            | TCP                                  |
| provisioning_status | PENDING_CREATE                       |
| session_persistence | None                                 |
| updated_at          | None                                 |
$ openstack loadbalancer pool create --name 443_pool --listener 443_listener --protocol TCP --lb-algorithm ROUND_ROBIN
| Field               | Value                                |
| admin_state_up      | True                                 |
| created_at          | 2018-06-25T01:31:04                  |
| description         |                                      |
| healthmonitor_id    |                                      |
| id                  | da26844d-921d-4045-af24-xxxxxxxxxxxx |
| lb_algorithm        | ROUND_ROBIN                          |
| listeners           | 724816cc-2dbd-42c8-9b61-xxxxxxxxxxxx |
| loadbalancers       | bfc1a299-3ec2-4681-974a-xxxxxxxxxxxx |
| members             |                                      |
| name                | 443_pool                             |
| operating_status    | OFFLINE                              |
| project_id          | eac679e489614xxxxxxce29d755fe289     |
| protocol            | TCP                                  |
| provisioning_status | PENDING_CREATE                       |
| session_persistence | None                                 |
| updated_at          | None                                 |

Add members

Now add the members to the pools… When creating members, make sure that you use the local addresses of your instances. In our example we use and however this may be different for your instances, it almost certainly will be different, so you should double check the following code before putting it in the command line.

$ openstack loadbalancer member create --name 80_member_1 --address --protocol-port 80  80_pool
| Field               | Value                                |
| address             |                             |
| admin_state_up      | True                                 |
| created_at          | 2018-06-25T01:37:46                  |
| id                  | 5ce83425-9d85-4da4-a057-xxxxxxxxxxxx |
| name                | 80_member_1                          |
| operating_status    | NO_MONITOR                           |
| project_id          | eac679e489614xxxxxxce29d755fe289     |
| protocol_port       | 80                                   |
| provisioning_status | PENDING_CREATE                       |
| subnet_id           | None                                 |
| updated_at          | None                                 |
| weight              | 1                                    |
| monitor_port        | None                                 |
| monitor_address     | None                                 |
$ openstack loadbalancer member create --name 80_member_2 --address --protocol-port 80  80_pool
| Field               | Value                                |
| address             |                             |
| admin_state_up      | True                                 |
| created_at          | 2018-06-25T01:38:48                  |
| id                  | 5f973af6-7d59-4f64-a0b8-xxxxxxxxxxxx |
| name                | 80_member_2                          |
| operating_status    | NO_MONITOR                           |
| project_id          | eac679e489614xxxxxxce29d755fe289     |
| protocol_port       | 80                                   |
| provisioning_status | PENDING_CREATE                       |
| subnet_id           | None                                 |
| updated_at          | None                                 |
| weight              | 1                                    |
| monitor_port        | None                                 |
| monitor_address     | None                                 |

Check that the members were created

$ openstack loadbalancer member list 80_pool
| id                                   | name        | project_id                       | provisioning_status | address  | protocol_port | operating_status | weight |
| 5ce83425-9d85-4da4-a057-xxxxxxxxxxxx | 80_member_1 | eac679e489614xxxxxxce29d755fe289 | ACTIVE              | |            80 | NO_MONITOR       |      1 |
| 5f973af6-7d59-4f64-a0b8-xxxxxxxxxxxx | 80_member_2 | eac679e489614xxxxxxce29d755fe289 | ACTIVE              | |            80 | NO_MONITOR       |      1 |

Now repeat for the service on port 443

$ openstack loadbalancer member create --name 443_member_1 --address --protocol-port 443  443_pool
| Field               | Value                                |
| address             |                             |
| admin_state_up      | True                                 |
| created_at          | 2018-06-25T01:43:41                  |
| id                  | ec245cb0-7548-4b25-881f-xxxxxxxxxxxx |
| name                | 443_member_1                         |
| operating_status    | NO_MONITOR                           |
| project_id          | eac679e489614xxxxxxce29d755fe289     |
| protocol_port       | 443                                  |
| provisioning_status | PENDING_CREATE                       |
| subnet_id           | None                                 |
| updated_at          | None                                 |
| weight              | 1                                    |
| monitor_port        | None                                 |
| monitor_address     | None                                 |

$ openstack loadbalancer member create --name 443_member_2 --address --protocol-port 443  443_pool
| Field               | Value                                |
| address             |                             |
| admin_state_up      | True                                 |
| created_at          | 2018-06-25T01:44:19                  |
| id                  | f91e7d8e-a932-43da-8c9f-xxxxxxxxxxxx |
| name                | 443_member_2                         |
| operating_status    | NO_MONITOR                           |
| project_id          | eac679e489614xxxxxxce29d755fe289     |
| protocol_port       | 443                                  |
| provisioning_status | PENDING_CREATE                       |
| subnet_id           | None                                 |
| updated_at          | None                                 |
| weight              | 1                                    |
| monitor_port        | None                                 |
| monitor_address     | None                                 |

$ openstack loadbalancer member list 443_pool
| id                                   | name         | project_id                       | provisioning_status | address  | protocol_port | operating_status | weight |
| ec245cb0-7548-4b25-881f-xxxxxxxxxxxx | 443_member_1 | eac679e489614xxxxxxce29d755fe289 | ACTIVE              | |           443 | NO_MONITOR       |      1 |
| f91e7d8e-a932-43da-8c9f-xxxxxxxxxxxx | 443_member_2 | eac679e489614xxxxxxce29d755fe289 | ACTIVE              | |           443 | NO_MONITOR       |      1 |

Add a health monitor

Create a health monitor to check the state of the members of the pool. This example performs a simple static request at the URL path ‘/health’.

$ openstack loadbalancer healthmonitor create --name 80_healthcheck --delay 60 --timeout 20 --max-retries 2 --url-path /health --type http  80_pool
| Field               | Value                                |
| project_id          | eac679e489614xxxxxxce29d755fe289     |
| name                | 80_healthcheck                       |
| admin_state_up      | True                                 |
| pools               | 96dde7c5-77c5-4ffe-9542-xxxxxxxxxxxx |
| created_at          | 2018-06-25T21:22:25                  |
| provisioning_status | PENDING_CREATE                       |
| updated_at          | None                                 |
| delay               | 60                                   |
| expected_codes      | 200                                  |
| max_retries         | 2                                    |
| http_method         | GET                                  |
| timeout             | 20                                   |
| max_retries_down    | 3                                    |
| url_path            | /health                              |
| type                | HTTP                                 |
| id                  | d8c8c074-574a-4e41-8c43-xxxxxxxxxxxx |
| operating_status    | OFFLINE                              |

Here is a brief description of some of the parameters used in the health monitor example.

  • url_path : Path part of the URL that should be retrieved from the back-end server. By default this is “/”.

  • delay : Number of seconds to wait between health checks.

  • timeout : Number of seconds to wait for any given health check to complete. Timeout should always be smaller than delay.

  • max-retries : Number of subsequent health checks a given back-end server must fail before it is considered down, or that a failed back-end server must pass to be considered up again.

Assign a VIP

The final step is to assign a floating ip address to the VIP port on the loadbalancer. In order to do this we need to create a floating ip, find the VIP Port ID and then assign it a floating ip address.

export FIP=`openstack floating ip create public-net -f value -c floating_ip_address`
export VIP_PORT_ID=`openstack loadbalancer show lb_test_1 -f value -c vip_port_id`
openstack floating ip set --port $VIP_PORT_ID $FIP

Test the setup

If you need to retrieve the VIP for the loadbalancer

export VIP=$(openstack loadbalancer show lb_test_1 -f value -c vip_address)
openstack floating ip list | grep $VIP | awk '{ print $4}'

Test the following:

  • Connect to the loadbalancer VIP from a browser. The output should alternate between both back-end servers on port 80.

  • Connect to the healtmonitor URL on $VIP/health

  • Connect to $VIP:443 to confirm that the second service is also loadbalanced