`Ansible`_ is a popular open source configuration management and application deployment tool. Ansible provides a set of core modules for interacting with OpenStack. This makes Ansible an ideal tool for providing both OpenStack orchestration and instance configuration, letting you use a single tool to set up the underlying infrastructure and configure instances. As such Ansible can replace other tools, such as Heat for OpenStack orchestration, and Puppet for instance configuration. .. _Ansible: https://www.ansible.com/ Comprehensive documentation of the Ansible OpenStack modules is available at https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/collections/openstack/cloud/index.html#plugins-in-openstack-cloud And for any troubleshooting issues you may face using Ansible you can refer to the following: https://docs.ansible.com/ansible-tower/2.2.0/html/administration/troubleshooting.html .. _install-ansible: A script is provided by Catalyst which installs the required Ansible and OpenStack libraries within a Python virtual environment. This script is part of the `catalystcloud-ansible`_ git repository. Clone this repository and run the install script in order to install Ansible. .. _catalystcloud-ansible: https://github.com/catalyst-cloud/catalystcloud-ansible .. code-block:: bash $ git clone https://github.com/catalyst/catalystcloud-ansible.git && CC_ANSIBLE_DIR="$(pwd)/catalystcloud-ansible" && echo $CC_ANSIBLE_DIR $ cd catalystcloud-ansible $ ./install-ansible.sh Installing stable version of Ansible ... Ansible installed successfully! To activate run the following command: source /home/yourname/src/catalystcloud-ansible/ansible-venv/bin/activate $ source $CC_ANSIBLE_DIR/ansible-venv/bin/activate $ ansible --version ansible config file = /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg configured module search path = Default w/o overrides .. note:: Catalyst recommends customers use Ansible >= 2.0 and Shade >= 1.4 with the Catalyst Cloud. Before running the Ansible playbooks, ensure your OpenStack credentials have been set up. The variables from your sourced openRC file are read by the Ansible ``os_auth`` module, and will provide Ansible with the credentials required to access the Catalyst Cloud APIs. .. note:: If credentials are not set up by sourcing an OpenStack RC file, a few mandatory authentication attributes will need to be included in the playbooks. See the "vars" section of the playbooks for details. Once we have the required Ansible and OpenStack libraries, and we have sourced our necessary credentials, we can start with our first playbook. The first instance playbooks are located under the `example-playbooks` directory and have been split up as follows: * The first playbook, ``create-network.yml`` creates the required network components. * The second playbook, ``launch-instance.yml`` launches the instance. Starting with the first playbook, these are the tasks the ``create-network.yml`` playbook will perform: .. code-block:: bash $ ansible-playbook --list-tasks create-network.yml playbook: create-network.yml play #1 (localhost): Create a network in the Catalyst Cloud TAGS: [] tasks: Connect to the Catalyst Cloud TAGS: [] Create a network TAGS: [] Create a subnet TAGS: [] Create a router TAGS: [] Create a security group TAGS: [] Create a security group rule for SSH access TAGS: [] Import an SSH keypair TAGS: [] In order for this playbook to work, the path to a valid SSH key must be provided. Edit ``create-network.yml`` and update the ``ssh_public_key`` variable, or override the variable when running the playbook as shown below: .. code-block:: bash $ ansible-playbook --extra-vars "ssh_public_key=$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa.pub" create-network.yml PLAY [Deploy a cloud instance in OpenStack] ************************************ TASK [setup] ******************************************************************* ok: [localhost] TASK [Connect to the Catalyst Cloud] ******************************************* ok: [localhost] TASK [Create a network] ******************************************************** changed: [localhost] TASK [Create a subnet] ********************************************************* changed: [localhost] TASK [Create a router] ********************************************************* changed: [localhost] TASK [Create a security group] ************************************************* changed: [localhost] TASK [Create a security group rule for SSH access] ***************************** changed: [localhost] TASK [Import an SSH keypair] *************************************************** changed: [localhost] PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************* localhost : ok=8 changed=6 unreachable=0 failed=0 .. tip:: Pay careful attention to the console output. It provides lots of useful information. After the network has been set up successfully, run the ``launch-instance.yml`` playbook: | .. code-block:: bash $ ansible-playbook launch-instance.yml PLAY [Deploy a cloud instance in OpenStack] ************************************ TASK [setup] ******************************************************************* ok: [localhost] TASK [Connect to the Catalyst Cloud] ******************************************* ok: [localhost] TASK [Create a compute instance on the Catalyst Cloud] ************************* changed: [localhost] TASK [Assign a floating IP] **************************************************** changed: [localhost] TASK [Output floating IP] ****************************************************** ok: [localhost] => { "floating_ip_info.floating_ip.floating_ip_address": "" } PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************* localhost : ok=4 changed=2 unreachable=0 failed=1 The new instance is accessible using SSH. Retrieve the instance's IP address from the console output. It is echoed by the example ``Output floating IP`` task above as "". Login using SSH (using the username appropriate to the build image): .. code-block:: bash $ ssh ubuntu@ .. tip:: Additional Ansible playbooks may now be used to configure this instance further, as required. Lastly, we have a playbook that you can use to cleanup all resources created by the previous playbooks. It has been included in the `catalystcloud-ansible`_ git repository referenced earlier, but may also be downloaded as follows: .. code-block:: bash $ wget -q https://raw.githubusercontent.com/catalyst/catalystcloud-ansible/master/remove-stack.yml Run the playbook to remove all resources created previously: .. code-block:: bash $ ansible-playbook remove-stack.yml --extra-vars "floating_ip=" Replace ```` with the floating-ip assigned by the ``launch-instance.yml`` playbook. .. note:: This cleanup playbook assumes that all resources have been created using the default names defined in the original playbooks. If the original names have been changed, it will be necessary to edit the cleanup playbook to reflect these changes.