.. _k8s-load-balancers: ############## Load Balancers ############## Web or service applications running in a cluster environment such as Kubernetes require some means by which they can be accessed from the outside world. Kubernetes supports a couple of ways of providing this in the form of `NodePort`_ and `LoadBalancer`_ type services. .. _`LoadBalancer`: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/#loadbalancer .. _`NodePort`: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/#type-nodeport Because all of the **nodes** in a managed Kubernetes cluster are on a private network, a ``NodePort`` service would only be useful in combination with a separate load balancer. The ``LoadBalancer`` service, on the other hand, provides everything necessary to route public web traffic to an application. ************************ Creating a Load Balancer ************************ Catalyst Cloud Kubernetes Service integrates the ``LoadBalancer`` service type directly with Catalyst Cloud's :ref:`Load Balancer as a Service ` (LBaaS) service. .. figure:: _containers_assets/load-balancer-provision.drawio.svg :name: k8s-lbaas-provision :class: with-border Provisioning a load balancer for your application is extremely easy. As shown in the figure above, a developer first creates a ``LoadBalancer`` service that points to an application ``Pod``. The control plane will then provision a Catalyst Cloud Load Balancer which will then route requests to the ``Pod``. We can demonstrate how easy it is to route traffic to your web application using a practical example. First, let's create a simple web application. Create a file called ``nginx-app.yml``, containing the following YAML (which is a deployment of an `Nginx`_ server). .. _`Nginx`: https://nginx.com .. literalinclude:: _containers_assets/nginx-app.yaml :language: yaml Run ``kubectl apply`` to create the deployment. .. code-block:: console $ kubectl apply -f nginx-app.yml deployment.apps/nginx-test-app created At the moment we have a pod running in our cluster that is not visible to the outside world. .. code-block:: console $ kubectl get pods NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE nginx-test-app-65b8cd96c4-kqtlm 1/1 Running 0 11m Now let's create an external load balancer and expose our application on a public IP address. There are two ways of doing this: * Imperative (running an ad-hoc command to create the load balancer) * Declarative (defining a load balancer as a resource definition in code, and then applying the resource to Kubernetes) .. tabs:: .. tab:: Imperative Run the following command to expose the ``nginx-test-app`` deployment through a load balancer. .. code-block:: console $ kubectl expose deployment nginx-test-app --name nginx-lb --port=80 --type=LoadBalancer service/nginx-lb exposed .. tab:: Declarative Paste the following ``LoadBalancer`` resource definition into a file called ``nginx-lb.yml``. .. literalinclude:: _containers_assets/nginx-lb.yml :language: yaml Next run the following command to create the resource in Kubernetes: .. code-block:: console $ kubectl apply -f nginx-lb.yml service/nginx-lb created .. note:: It is not possible to create load balancers for a Kubernetes cluster via the Catalyst Cloud dashboard or using the API ``openstack loadbalancer create`` command. For a Kubernetes cluster, a load balancer must always be created using the Kubernetes API. Watch the services to see when the load balancer is provisioned with a public facing IP address. This may take a few minutes. .. code-block:: console $ kubectl get svc -w NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE kubernetes ClusterIP 443/TCP 7m28s nginx-lb LoadBalancer 80:30990/TCP 12s nginx-lb LoadBalancer 80:30990/TCP 2m43s nginx-lb LoadBalancer 80:30990/TCP 2m43s After a few minutes, a new address should appear under ``EXTERNAL-IP``. Once the IP address appears, you should be able to hit the Nginx webserver on that IP: .. code-block:: console $ curl Welcome to nginx!

Welcome to nginx!

If you see this page, the nginx web server is successfully installed and working. Further configuration is required.

For online documentation and support please refer to nginx.org.
Commercial support is available at nginx.com.

Thank you for using nginx.

That's it! You've created a simple web application and set up a load balancer to route public traffic to it. Of course this is just a trivial example, but it highlights how easy it is to create a public facing service on the web. The following sections cover the different settings for the ``LoadBalancers`` service. For more information on alternative ways to set up external access to your Kubernetes applications, please refer to the :ref:`kubernetes-ingress` guide. Kubernetes Load Balancers in Catalyst Cloud =========================================== If we look in the Catalyst Cloud dashboard, we can see that a number of load balancers have been provisioned by Kubernetes. These load balancers will have a name starting with either ``k8s-magnum``, ``k8s-clusterapi``, or ``kube_service``, and suffixed with IDs to uniquely identify them internally. They can be inspected using the Catalyst Cloud dashboard or API. .. note:: To be able to view load balancers, your user must have the :ref:`project_member_role` role. .. tabs:: .. tab:: CLI Run the ``openstack loadbalancer list`` command to list all existing load balancers. .. code-block:: console $ openstack loadbalancer list +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------+-------------+---------------------+------------------+----------+ | id | name | project_id | vip_address | provisioning_status | operating_status | provider | +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------+-------------+---------------------+------------------+----------+ | 4530674c-4a97-4d36-ba1a-166acd8f8b3c | k8s-magnum-e5d4c3b2a1e5d4c3b2a1e5d4c3b2a1e5-example-cluster-he5a2qw6o6kt-kubeapi | e5d4c3b2a1e5d4c3b2a1e5d4c3b2a1e5 | | ACTIVE | ONLINE | amphora | | 5eddf845-3819-484b-b5d6-1319d6d593f6 | kube_service_example-cluster-he5a2qw6o6kt_default_nginx-lb | e5d4c3b2a1e5d4c3b2a1e5d4c3b2a1e5 | | ACTIVE | ONLINE | amphora | +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------+-------------+---------------------+------------------+----------+ .. tab:: Dashboard From the left-hand menu, select **Project -> Network -> Load Balancers** to open the Load Balancers page. .. image:: _containers_assets/k8s-docs-service-loadbalancer.png The load balancers serve the following purposes: * Load balancers starting with ``kube_service`` are Kubernetes ``LoadBalancer`` resources for allowing external access to connected applications. * Load balancers starting with ``k8s-magnum`` or ``k8s-clusterapi`` are management load balancers for interfacing with the Kubernetes API, and are used by Catalyst Cloud Kubernetes Service to configure the cluster. .. warning:: **Do not modify the load balancers created by Kubernetes directly using the Catalyst Cloud dashboard or API.** Doing so may cause your cluster to become inaccessible. In the rare case that it may be necessary to delete a load balancer, please raise a ticket via the `Support Centre`_. .. _`Support Centre`: https://catalystcloud.nz/support/support-centre .. _kubernetes-loadbalancer-annotations: *********** Annotations *********** .. FIXME(travis): Move this to tutorials? While the default behaviour of the ``LoadBalancer`` service may be fine for the majority of use cases, there are times when this behaviour will need to be changed to suit particular use cases. Some examples of where this might be applicable include: * Being able to retain the floating IP used for the VIP. * Creating a load balancer that does not have an IP address assigned from the public address pool. * The ability to assign which network, subnet or port the load balancer will use for its VIP address. Fortunately Kubernetes supplies a means to achieve these desired changes in behaviour through the use of `annotations`_. .. _`annotations`: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/annotations .. _kubernetes-loadbalancers-internal-ip: Using an internal IP address ============================ By default, load balancers are created with an publically addressable public IP address (a floating IP). With the following annotation, it is possible to configure the load balancer so that it uses an internal IP address as its virtual IP (VIP). .. code-block:: yaml metadata: annotations: service.beta.kubernetes.io/openstack-internal-load-balancer: "true" A simple example would look like this. .. literalinclude:: _containers_assets/loadbalancer_internal_ip.yaml :language: yaml Save the above file as ``nginx-lb-internal.yml``, and run the following command to create the load balancer. .. code-block:: bash kubectl apply -f nginx-lb-internal.yml The resulting load balancer would be provisioned with a external IP address from the Kubernetes cluster internal network. If we examine the cluster nodes, we can see that the internal network address are in the ```` subnet, and a querying the new service shows that it too has been assigned an address from this same range as its VIP. .. code-block:: console $ kubectl describe nodes | grep InternalIP InternalIP: InternalIP: $ kubectl get svc lb-internal-ip NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE lb-internal-ip LoadBalancer 80:32298/TCP 46m .. _kubernetes-loadbalancers-existing-fip: Using a pre-existing IP address =============================== When creating a new load balancer, by default a new floating IP is allocated to your project and associated with the load balancer. However, there may be cases where it is desirable to use a floating IP that has already been allocated to your project, instead of allocating a new one (e.g. to maintain DNS record stability). This can be done by specifying ``loadBalancerIP`` in our service manifest (replace ```` with the floating IP you wish to use). .. code-block:: yaml spec: type: LoadBalancer loadBalancerIP: Kubernetes will take control of the floating IP when the load balancer is created. Normally this means the floating IP will be released back into the public address pool when the load balancer is deleted. However, we can also define the following annotation to ensure the floating IP is retained in the project, even when the load balancer is deleted: .. code-block:: yaml metadata: annotations: loadbalancer.openstack.org/keep-floatingip: "true" Here is an example service that creates a load balancer for an Nginx application. .. literalinclude:: _containers_assets/nginx-lb-retain-fip.yml :language: yaml Save the manifest as ``nginx-lb-retain-fip.yml`` (replacing ```` with the floating IP you wish to use), and run ``kubectl apply`` to create the service. .. code-block:: console $ kubectl apply -f nginx-lb-retain-fip.yml service/nginx-lb-retain-fip created The service should now be created, and after a couple of minutes, the floating IP will be associated with the load balancer. .. code-block:: console $ kubectl get svc nginx-lb-retain-fip NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE nginx-lb-retain-fip LoadBalancer 80:32279/TCP 4m16s To test whether or not the floating IP is retained, you can delete the newly created service. .. code-block:: console $ kubectl delete -f nginx-lb-retain-fip.yml service "nginx-lb-retain-fip" deleted Even though the load balancer has been deleted, the ```` address should remain allocated to your project, instead of being released. This can be checked using the Catalyst Cloud API or dashboard. .. tabs:: .. tab:: CLI Run the ``openstack floating ip list`` command to list all floating IP allocations in your project. .. code-block:: console $ openstack floating ip list +--------------------------------------+---------------------+------------------+--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | ID | Floating IP Address | Fixed IP Address | Port | Floating Network | Project | +--------------------------------------+---------------------+------------------+--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | 2cafd74b-190a-48f8-8dfe-5922944e608a | | | d128acb1-90ef-4f1a-a12f-35e51a837ee5 | 993e826c-74c2-4b44-ad6f-5b2e717504ca | e5d4c3b2a1e5d4c3b2a1e5d4c3b2a1e5 | | e2b4a8e8-bd84-4946-89dd-aa20c749114f | | None | None | 993e826c-74c2-4b44-ad6f-5b2e717504ca | e5d4c3b2a1e5d4c3b2a1e5d4c3b2a1e5 | | e81e87e1-7d15-4141-9ea4-32aad7254faf | | | 38085b6c-f88d-4872-ac66-d9077c724a51 | 993e826c-74c2-4b44-ad6f-5b2e717504ca | e5d4c3b2a1e5d4c3b2a1e5d4c3b2a1e5 | +--------------------------------------+---------------------+------------------+--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+----------------------------------+ .. tab:: Dashboard From the left-hand menu, select **Project -> Network -> Floating IPs** to open the Floating IPs page. .. image:: _containers_assets/loadbalancers-floatingips.png .. _kubernetes-loadbalancers-x-forwarded-for: Getting the source IP address for web requests ============================================== There are cases where an application needs to be able to determine the original IP address for requests it receives. In order to do this we need to enable `X-Forwarded-For`_ support. ``X-Forwarded-For`` is an HTTP header that can be appended to HTTP requests by load balancers/reverse proxies that are put in front of applications, and can be used to identify the originating IP address of the connecing client. .. _`X-Forwarded-For`: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/X-Forwarded-For If we deploy a standard ``LoadBalancer`` service in front of an application using the default settings, we can confirm that the original IP address of the client is not visible. Here is a deployment manifest for an echoserver that can will return the found client IP address for each request. .. literalinclude:: _containers_assets/deployment-echoserver.yml :language: yaml Save the manifest as ``echoserver-deployment.yml``, and create the deployment: .. code-block:: bash kubectl apply -f echoserver-deployment.yml Here is the manifest for the accompanying load balancer, to expose the application to the Internet. .. literalinclude:: _containers_assets/lb-echoserver-1.yml :language: yaml Save this manifest as ``echoserver-lb.yml``, and run the command to create it: .. code-block:: bash kubectl apply -f echoserver-lb.yml Run the following command to fetch the public IP address of the echoserver load balancer. .. code-block:: console $ kubectl get svc echoserver-lb NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE echoserver-lb LoadBalancer 80:32617/TCP 2m28s We can see by querying with ``curl`` that there is no source information available in the ``Request Headers`` section. .. TODO(callumdickinson): Consider adding Invoke-WebRequest for Windows users. .. code-block:: console $ curl Hostname: echoserver-58b4d6d69f-xvf6l Pod Information: -no pod information available- Server values: server_version=nginx: 1.14.2 - lua: 10015 Request Information: client_address= method=GET real path=/ query= request_version=1.1 request_scheme=http request_uri= Request Headers: accept=*/* host= user-agent=curl/7.68.0 Request Body: -no body in request- If we now add the ``loadbalancer.openstack.org/x-forwarded-for`` annotation to our load balancer manifest, like so: .. literalinclude:: _containers_assets/lb-echoserver-2.yml :language: yaml And then deploy our changes by saving the above manifest to ``echoserver-lb-2.yml``, then applying it: .. code-block:: bash kubectl apply -f echoserver-lb-2.yml Re-running our ``curl`` query, your local network's public IP address should now be listed in the the ``Request Headers`` section under the ``x-forwarded-for`` header. .. code-block:: console $ curl Hostname: echoserver-58b4d6d69f-xvf6l Pod Information: -no pod information available- Server values: server_version=nginx: 1.14.2 - lua: 10015 Request Information: client_address= method=GET real path=/ query= request_version=1.1 request_scheme=http request_uri= Request Headers: accept=*/* host= user-agent=curl/7.68.0 x-forwarded-for= Request Body: -no body in request- Annotation Reference ==================== Here is a list of load balancer annotations supported by Catalyst Cloud Kubernetes Service. .. NOTE(callumdickinson): Not actually a full list, but it contains everything we're interested in. .. https://github.com/kubernetes/cloud-provider-openstack/blob/master/docs/openstack-cloud-controller-manager/expose-applications-using-loadbalancer-type-service.md#service-annotations .. list-table:: :widths: 35 10 10 30 :header-rows: 1 * - Annotation - Type - Default Value - Description * - ``loadbalancer.openstack.org/network-id`` - String - (variable) - The ID of the network to allocate a VIP for the load balancer in. * - ``loadbalancer.openstack.org/subnet-id`` - String - (variable) - The ID of the subnet to allocate a VIP for the load balancer in. * - ``loadbalancer.openstack.org/port-id`` - String - ``null`` - An existing port ID to attach the load balancer to. If not specified, a new port will be automatically created. * - ``loadbalancer.openstack.org/connection-limit`` - Integer - ``-1`` - The maximum number of connections per second allowed for the listener. Set to ``-1`` for unlimited. * - ``loadbalancer.openstack.org/keep-floatingip`` - Boolean - ``false`` - Set to ``true`` to retain the floating IP in the project upon deletion. For more information, see :ref:`kubernetes-loadbalancers-existing-fip`. * - ``loadbalancer.openstack.org/proxy-protocol`` - Boolean - ``false`` - Set to ``true`` to configure the load balancer as a ``PROXY`` load balancer. Used to forward traffic to clients using the ``PROXY`` protocol (for example, when setting up :ref:`kubernetes-ingress-nginx-proxy`). * - ``loadbalancer.openstack.org/x-forwarded-for`` - Boolean - ``false`` - Set to ``true`` to enable the ``X-Forwarded-For`` header in forwarded requests. For more information, see :ref:`kubernetes-loadbalancers-x-forwarded-for`. * - ``service.beta.kubernetes.io/openstack-internal-load-balancer`` - Boolean - ``false`` - Set to ``true`` to allocate the load balancer an internal network VIP, instead of a publically accessible floating IP. For more information, see :ref:`kubernetes-loadbalancers-internal-ip`.